Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome Winter 2011 Students

Welcome to Digital Tools for Qualitative Research! I look forward to having you in this class and having a chance to share some helpful tools as well as learning from you in the process. Please feel free to browse this site before class begins as it has evolved over the two and a half years that I have been teaching it. If you click the label "EPL692" on the right hand side of the screen, you will find the course information, hardware/software you will need, and all five sessions for this course. We will also be going over this information on the first day of class. Please let me know if you already have experience in any of these areas and we can work out an alternative assignment in something more pertinent to your work. We are all tight on time and my ultimate goal is for this class to be useful to you. Here's to a great quarter!

We will take this survey on the first day of class:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Video Resources

The Digital Media Project here at OSU supports teaching and research in Digital Media Studies by centrally locating state of the art technology and expertise for teachers, students, and scholars in the Department of English. The hours on listed on the website and the project is housed in Denny Hall. There, you can get help on using iMovie.

Another resource available for video conversion is a tool called anysoft. It requires a download, but it is free. Thanks, Deb!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Recording Online Interviews

If you are looking for a way record interviews on skype, here is a helpful blog post listing resources to do so:

Ecamm is mentioned in this post and was also recommended by one of my current students.

Camstudio was also recommended by another student and is free and open source.

Not mentioned in this post is also Jing, a screencasting tool, which allows you to record for free up to five minutes (you can pay for beyond that).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome Autumn 2010 Students!

Welcome to Digital Tools for Qualitative Research! I look forward to having you in this class and having a chance to share some helpful tools as well as learning from you in the process. Please feel free to browse this site before class begins as it has evolved over the two years that I have been teaching it. If you click the label "EPL692" on the right hand side of the screen, you will find the course information, hardware/software you will need, and all five sessions for this course. We will also be going over this information on the first day of class. Please let me know if you already have experience in any of these areas and we can work out an alternative assignment in something more pertinent to your work. We are all tight on time and my ultimate goal is for this class to be useful to you. Here's to a great quarter!

We will take this survey on the first day of class:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Google Search Tips

A former student recently sent me this nice, concise list of tips for more precise Googling. Could it help you in your qualitative research? I'd like to think so.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Resources from ICQI

I recently attended ICQI and attended a session conducted by Judith Davidson and Silvana diGregorio (who will have a chapter in the newest edition of The Handbook of Qualitative Research). They suggested many of the tools we already use in class as well as some new ones! Here are the ones that I would like to look into:

a.nnotate- A tool to annotate and share documents or images online
Everyday Lives- A tool to document the everyday lives of your participants (audio, video, images)... the best part? There's an iPhone App!
Word Tree- Sort of like a word cloud, but this tool allows you to select a word or phrase and then creates a tree of how that word or phrase is used.
Phrase Net- Diagrams the relationships between different words used in a text

Also, for the record, I learned that you can now annotate youtube videos! Flickr also has great annotation.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I recently learned about another video coding software called Studiocode. The one I linked to is specifically for the field of Education. I hear its pricey, but I can't find the price anywhere on the website (go figure). Anyway, it might be worth at least a glance!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Another transcription program shared by one of my students:

The transcription program I found can be found here I like it because it is very simple, pressing F4 pauses and plays the audio file, pressing F5 rewinds in play by 3 seconds and F3 forwards by 3 seconds. Very quick and cut and dry. The program is called F4 and its free also an edition for video don't know anything about that version.

Thanks, Ramsey!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I wanted to share a few resources that came up in class today.

Sophie- "Sophie Author allows users to create complex networked multimedia documents without specialized training." This is a tool created for researchers at USC and seems to have some potential for qualitative research. Thanks, Aaron for sharing!

Worldcat- This is the citation database that Zotero uses to locate articles. It has been helpful to me when OSU doesn't have the citation I need.

International Journal of Learning and Media- This is the new journal from MIT Press I mentioned today that has a section just for new media article formats (those that include multimedia, social media, etc.).

TAMS Analyzer- This is a software I came across that seems to work like Weft QDA, but it is made for macs! It's a very basic CAQDAS program and it's free. I haven't investigated this too much, but I thought I'd share.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome Winter 2010 Students!

Welcome to Digital Tools for Qualitative Research! I look forward to having you in this class and having a chance to share some helpful tools as well as learning from you in the process. Please feel free to browse this site before class begins as it has evolved over the four quarters that I have been teaching it. If you click the label "EPL692" on the right hand side of the screen, you will find the course information, hardware/software you will need, and all five sessions for this course. We will also be going over this information on the first day of class. Please let me know if you already have experience in any of these areas and we can work out an alternative assignment in something more pertinent to your work. We are all tight on time and my ultimate goal is for this class to be useful to you. Here's to a great quarter!

We will take this survey on the first day of class: