I wanted to share a few resources that came up in class today.
Sophie- "Sophie Author allows users to create complex networked multimedia documents without specialized training." This is a tool created for researchers at USC and seems to have some potential for qualitative research. Thanks, Aaron for sharing!
Worldcat- This is the citation database that Zotero uses to locate articles. It has been helpful to me when OSU doesn't have the citation I need.
International Journal of Learning and Media- This is the new journal from MIT Press I mentioned today that has a section just for new media article formats (those that include multimedia, social media, etc.).
TAMS Analyzer- This is a software I came across that seems to work like Weft QDA, but it is made for macs! It's a very basic CAQDAS program and it's free. I haven't investigated this too much, but I thought I'd share.
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